Socorep World Business LTD is a lobbying and business consulting firm, specializing in the institutional framework of strategic operations and the orientation of international companies. Its singular ethology of administrations, weaves to an attributive dexterity and to established international networks, makes CDS the elective link of economic actors with public powers. For a conciliatory proximity with Europe and the USA, SOCOREP offers tailor-made services to African decision-makers to strengthen their international correlation. Stimulate you with European and American institutions, through a lobbying service aimed at obtaining the rope of decision-makers, all balanced on an experienced and unequivocal methodology, an irreproachable lucidity of institutional arrangements as well as political issues, and preserving a joint ownership typically offered and bored, such is the added value of SWB. appointing SWB as helmsman, you are guaranteed a fruitful tutoring and thanks to the many contacts and the fairly substantial position of its administration.